
Viva Julia!

"Hell's Kitchen" was a humdinger last night, primarily because my beloved Julia, the Waffle House short-order cook, has lived to see another service.

I don't know if she'll wind up in the Final Two, but she's thus far managed to outlast anyone shitty enough to bring up her "lack of fine dining experience." Yeah, she works at the Waffle House, but she also knows better than to fish spaghetti out of the trash and toss it back in boiling water to "sterilize" it, unlike horsefaced Jen, who's starting to play the "Waffle House" card to keep her from having any say in the Red Kitchen's decisions. Jen should know that as soon as you start dissing Julia, you can kiss your jacket goodbye. Gordon will gore it on that hook at the end of the episode like it's a side of beef. Take that, you horsefaced trash-boiling pastry chef!

I love Julia, and I think Gordon does, too. I think he'd like to gore something other than her jacket, if you know what I'm saying. Mmhmm.

DAMN, I really want her to take this. I want her signature Chicken-Fried Chicken to be on the menu at that fancy-ass resort. That would kick ass. I would go to Vegas specifically to order that shit.

lisamcc at 11:28 a.m.

2 comments so far
2007-07-17 17:23:48
I love how you love Julia and Gordon. Cracks my shit up!

lj lindhurst
2007-07-18 11:39:56
yeah, but it looks like she is CRYING in next week's show! Don't cry, Juliaaaaaaaa!!!

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