
Porn and Pocky.

So the "Stolen Wallet Follies" continue, as today I needed to haul my ass across town to get a new work ID/security card. So I at least now have SOMETHING with my picture on it, as it'll probably be at least another week before I get my replacement ID from the RMV.

My gay boyfriend John Michael said, "Well, look at this way, kitten -- now you get to go buy a new wallet. It's a SHOPPERTUNITY."
"Fuck you, John Michael. I hate you so much sometimes."
"Ohhhhh, no you DON'T."

He's right; I don't. But I CAN'T BUY a new wallet because my checking account is still frozen and I can't get it UNFROZEN until I can get to the bank with a VALID photo ID and fill out all the stupid paperwork. I suppose I could use one of my credit cards but the thing is -- I KNOW me, and I won't just buy a new wallet. I'll use this whole fiasco as an excuse to buy a complete summer wardrobe, because God knows I'm the ONLY PERSON IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE who ever had her wallet stolen.

Seriously, though? As soon as I get my new ATM card I am totally going to Chinatown to buy PORN and POCKY.

Pocky is absolutely the most brilliant shit ever. Breadsticks dipped in frosting. Just unbelievably stupid and awesome. When I was in graduate school in them heady mid-90's, I would make frequent excursions into Chinatown, where I'd stock up on all kinds of crazy-assed Pocky. Pocky reminds me of being hungover, mildly unwashed and smelling of whatever club I'd been in the night before, and carrying a "Hello Kitty" backpack when I was far, FAR too old to be doing so. But it's so good!

And speaking of age-inappropriate accessories, somebody needs to get me this bag:

Because my wallet got stolen and you should all feel SORRY for me.

lisamcc at 9:24 p.m.

1 comments so far
2007-06-13 11:13:32
Yeah, the way I see it, if that Pocky bag was sitting open on your desk, nobody'd have the balls to stick their hand in it. That's theft deterrence right there.

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