
Christmas. Bah.

Well, we had us a little soiree last night. It ended up being a lot more "little" than "soiree," in part because we'd held it so close to Christmas, and in part because we live in Jamaica Plain, which may as well be China to most of our friends (no lie - we have frequently heard people compare going to JP with travelling to a distant and exotic land). It happens ALL the time: we plan a party, we invite people to the party, people act pleased as punch to have been invited, we buy lots of comestibles in anticipation of entertaining a decent number of guests, and then fully 3/4 of them don't show up.

I don't wish to sound ungrateful for the lovely and swell people who DID show up (Ad, my cousin JoAnn and her thoroughly entertaining husband, Oedipus, several of my coworkers, my pal Bob and his girlfriend Kelly). It was a nice little gathering, but I'm just naturally neurotic and automatically assume that people hate me when they don't show up to my party. Kind of like how I used to judge my worth by the number of valentines I'd accumulated in my decorated shoebox in grade school. Hi. I'm 36 years old.

I should've taken a picture of my hair. It was pretty fucking awesome if I do say so myself. A feat of 40's film noir gravity-defying greatness, so it was, held in place by style, chickens, pure style (and a metric assload of AquaNet).

So I'll be eating brie and olive tapenade for breakfast for the next several days. I really should not plan a party so close to Christmas next time.

lisamcc at 10:34 a.m.

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