
Trapper Keeper

I posted a "Friday Five" list to the board yesterday and one of the questions was: What back-to-school item did you just have to have, only later to find out it wasn't as useful as you thought?

The chickens were nearly unanimous in their thunderous condemnation of.......the Trapper Keeper�.

What the HELL?!

OK, those pens that wrote in eight different colors -- those were useless. Cutesy erasers that smelled like candy but accomplished dick when applied to pencil scrawlings what needed correction -- they were useless. And I'll probably catch jeroboams of shit for this, but buying a new protractor every year (which I did, up until 10th grade or so) -- completely useless.

Trapper Keepers were NOT useless.

I LOVED my Trapper Keeper. Holy Christ, I wish I still HAD it. It was 1983, I had been freed from the vertiginous wretching horror that was Catholic school, and was embarking upon my New Life as a "public school kid," and a junior high schooler, to boot. Great things were afoot, and that Trapper Keeper (along with two armfuls of jelly bracelets and blinding white Capezio "jazz shoes") was my ticket to the big time. The BIG TIME, chickens. The phone was gonna be ringin' off the hook!

My hope was woefully short-lived, but still. Trapper Keepers are awesome. If we lived in a bigger place, I'd have an entire ROOMFUL of them. I'm totally serious.

Where is the LOVE, chickens?

lisamcc at 10:22 a.m.

4 comments so far
2006-09-02 19:59:49
They fell apart as soon as I put more than 10 pieces of paper in them. The folders that were inside tore immediately. The corners of the damn things became like little daggers - splitting apart and jabbing me in the arm, leg, finger, etc., at any opportunity. I stand by my first statement: Trapper Keepers sucked. (Though, the new versions are much nicer, albeit much more expensive.)

2006-09-04 19:36:56
... but... what were Trapper Keepers FOR, exactly? I HAD one and damned if I know! Loose pieces of paper? Why not put them in a thin folder? That would take up much less space.

2006-09-05 12:17:03
I agree with Tina: great idea, horrible execution.

2006-09-11 14:00:26
Lisa, for the most part I must a gree that the trapper keeper was an ill advised purchase. However, one year, probably the last trapper keeper I ever had, was a special design made to fill with your own pictures. I loaded it up with a duran duran collage and was a happy trapper keeping fool. It may still be lurking in the box of crap at my moms house. I need it NOW.

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