

It's almost 4 pm, the day after Thanksgiving, and I've gotten NOTHING done. I sort of feel bad about this. Maybe I'll go do some laundry.

I've pretty much been eating pie, stuffing, and cranberry chutney all day, with no signs of my leaving the house to go to the gym at any point in the immediate future. Burp.

I think I'd like to start doing podcasts. Would any of you chickens be even remotely interested in hearing the sound of my voice, interspersed with my very questionable taste in music? Is it hard to do? Expensive?

I'm all obsessed with "For Better or For Worse." It's the first thing I read in the morning, online, even before checking the message board, which is so delightfully perverse, so wonderfully filthy, that perhaps a subconscious need for a bracing tonic of Lynn Johnston's trademark Canadian wholesomeness compels me to go there first.

I always staunchly defend this obsession from its many detractors (in the form of friends and coworkers) by noting that its principal appeal lies in the fact that the characters AGE in real time. The Patterson spawn - milquetoast Michael with his Protestant work ethic and weird friend named "Weed," hopeless idealist Elizabeth with her questionable taste in boyfriends, and the pimply, conflicted April - change hairdos and shoe sizes before our very eyes, unlike the permanently cherubic Keane children with their freakish, oversized heads, forever trapped in pre-adolescence, with their archaic toys scattered throughout the house as we follow the dotted line through their "cute" mishaps.

And yet I'll be the first to admit that "For Better or for Worse" is - quite simply - complete and utter pap. It's so AWFUL, so very much like a Tuesday night WB teen drama. Not even WB. More like UPN. Right now, its spotlight is centered on the zit-ridden young April, she of the unfortunately-named teen pop sensation "4-Eva," and her falling out with her heretofore best friend: slutty, band-leaving Becky.

We have been told that Becky is slutty, by the way, because last year - in eighth grade - she was being paid inordinate attention by a high school boy by virtue of the fact that she's "roadside," a term one must assume to mean "slutty," although I certainly have never heard it uttered by any of the 13-year-olds I know. No matter. Becky is a slut non pareil, and furthermore quit "4-Eva" after her glorious solo performance at her middle school "grad night," claiming that her erstwhile bandmates were holding her back. It's true enough that it's very difficult to rock out when your lead guitarist is playing on a classical guitar, but STILL. Her harsh words have caused an irreparable rift, and Becky's slutty Lennon is now tormenting her former McCartney for her unenviable skin breakouts.

It's quite mesmerizing.

lisamcc at 3:53 p.m.

10 comments so far
2005-12-07 23:18:34

anna c.'s friend
2005-11-30 21:41:37
Every morning I read four alt-comics and FBorFW. It's like eating Cheerios with meth. I have even read the Mike/Deanna wedding story... three times. I am a super dork. I feel relieved to make this confession.

2005-11-30 23:08:16
I dabbled in podcasting for a while... may even pick it up again. It's not that hard to do by yourself, it's when you want to do it with someone who lives hundreds of miles away so you think you can just use Skype but the timing gets all out of sequence and it just gets fuckered that it falls apart. I have some good recommendations for free stuff to use to start with, and may have some *ahem* more professional stuff to send you if you really get into it. Basically, you need something to record with (like Audacity), some mp3s, and a microphone. Headphones are a good idea too. Save it as an mp3, post it as a link on yr site, and use Feedburner to make it into a podcast (it adds all the funky "enclosures" crap). Simple.

Mike Burchett
2005-12-03 00:47:54
FBorFW and "Ask Heloise" bordering my daily crossword, just lurking in the shadows, waiting to ruin my day.

2005-12-03 21:24:14

2005-11-25 23:47:52
OH MY GOD. I read that damn cartoon every day too. You what's even sadder? I actually go the official site every so often. There are letters from the characters. Every month! It's madness! Glad I'm not the only one sucked into the Patterson black hole.

2005-11-25 23:54:56
FBOFW is the first thing i read every morning too. i've been reading it since i could read. i am from ontario, canada, and the doctor's office my mom used to work in had a mural painted by lynn johnston on the ceiling (so ladies having their bits checked out would have something to look at).

2005-11-26 03:39:59
"Would any of you chickens be even remotely interested in hearing the sound of my voice, interspersed with my very questionable taste in music?" Um. Yes. Since you've ceased to regale me with open-mic performance art readings of 19th century porn on my voicemail. P.S. I spent a considerable amount of Post-Katrina time in Philly making new Fambly Cirkus mock-ups.

2005-11-27 13:15:12
Lisa, you posted, a while back, about Proactiv...did it work? My daughter's face is erupting (ahh, puberty.) I don't want to shell out the big bucks on crap. What do you think of the stuff?

2005-11-30 00:32:42
I regret to inform you that it's spelled "4-Evah". With an 'h'. And thus I reveal my daily folly.

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