
Sick. Sick sick sick.

Sick. Sick sick sick sick sick.

It's a tad early for me to be getting my annual Shitty Cold, I think? No matter -- I started feeling puny around Friday. My throat was dry and scratchy and several bottles of water could not make it go away.

At my parents' place in NH, I popped several Sudafed and ate like a horse, hoping to head this off at the pass, so to speak. No dice. This cold had bigger plans for me. I got home at around 6 PM on Saturday, took a bath, and then promptly fell asleep for close to 12 hours.

On Sunday, feeling sicker still, I purchased a prohibitively expensive pair of cute-as-fuck, t-strap, round-toed, VERY 40's film noir shoes, hoping that this would shock my system into producing some kind of adrenaline rush, to no avail. By Sunday evening I could feel my head filling with viscous, tear-inducing snot, the kind of snot that HURTS. I went to bed, buried under a pile of blankets and quilts even though it was barely 60 degrees outside.

I woke up this morning feeling like someone had cracked open my sinus cavity, stuffed it with a snot-soaked sweatsock, and then hastily sewed it all up with unwaxed dental floss.

In short, I feel like a giant pile of ASS. Weepy, sporadically sweaty, walking around with my mouth half-open like a 12th-generation inbred Habsburg because my nose is so stuffed up, which is BAFFLING, since I've been blowing my nose AT LEAST once every 3 minutes since approximately 10 pm last night. I didn't know it was possible for the human body to create this much snot.

I'm thinking that maybe this is a GOOD thing, since it might could mean that once I'm over this, I won't get sick for the rest of the winter. Maybe.

lisamcc at 5:36 p.m.

3 comments so far
2005-10-08 13:56:59
You always turn getting sick into the most colorful tumble of hilarious descriptors. I never knew snot could be so funny.

2005-10-05 23:58:16
Umm.. you weren't at the protest a while back, were you? http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/001871.html

2005-10-03 18:13:58
ColdSnap. Seriously. Buy ColdSnap. I buy it at a health food, supplement store. I take it at the first sign of a cold and then every 20 minutes or so and my cold rarely progresses past a sore throat. It's best if you take it at the first sign of a cold, but if you take it midway, it should lessen the duration. ColdSnap.

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