
Space Audit-y

Well, the company I work for is being audited this week, and it's just about the most unpleasant thing I can think of, besides root canal. I'm sitting in my cubicle, white-knuckled, waiting for someone in Finance to yell at me. It's heinous, trying to work in the midst of a full-blown audit, the IRS equivalent of Ricky Ricardo storming into the office and yelling, "You got some 'splainin' to do!"

So, following the advice of my little network of sober alkie pals, I am trying to take things in stride, trying with every fiber of my being to ignore the lizard in my brain that's suggesting that perhaps having a Scotch or twelve would be a grrrrreat way of riding this out. Little rewards for making it through the end of each day. Little rewards for making it through the next hour without succumbing to the urge to either get stupid drunk or streak through the accounting department buck naked but for strategically-placed pieces of adding machine tape. Tonight I'm seeing Dame Edna's show at the Colonial, for example.

I just.....God, I just need some good vibes here, chickens. This is nothing to blow months of sobriety over, and I don't think that I will. It's just having to sit here and squirm through the urges that sucks. Like having an itchy ass and no place to go to properly scratch, is what it is.

lisamcc at 1:27 p.m.

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