
Fashion faux pas

It's HOT, chickens. Hot as a crotch. The AC at work bit the big one on Monday, and since we're all moving next week, the folks that make such decisions regarding these matters have not exactly rushed to our aid. We're simply "not a priority," in Facilities parlance. So we sit and we sweat.

Subsequently, in the interest of comfort, I have violated several of my hitherto inviolable fashion rules, first and foremost being the wearing of a skinny-strapped tank top with clearly visible bra straps underneath. I have been violently opposed to this look for years now, ever since that goddamned Lilith Fair made it de rigueur.

I agonized over the decision to don such garb, tagging me as it does as some kind of herbal-tea sippin', Sarah McLaughlin-listenin' eco-Sapphist. I must also add that I generally avoid exposing my upper arms to the general public, as several years of pounding drums have rendered them strikingly similar to hoagie rolls.

(Going sans bra is simply not an option, in case any of you are wondering. I'm possessed of a rather generous set of bodacious ta-ta's, as my sister would say. June is busting out all over on top, chickens, and the idea of jiggling my way up Massachusetts Avenue this morning, past no fewer than two construction crews, wasn't sitting well.)

In the end, though, personal comfort won out, and I arrived at a compromise of sorts in that both the tank top and the bra are black.

It's still hot as a crotch, though.

lisamcc at 9:27 a.m.

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