
Up the butt

Hey, chickens.

Lots going on. Bills to be paid, laundry (both literal and metaphorical) to be done....have let a lot of it go undone for quite some time....one more load, and it's gonna start looking like a Faulkner novel around here.

I'm working on it, though. I got me a new therapist, one who looks disturbingly like the gay teacher on "My So-Called Life," one who actually is quite a bit like the gay teacher on "My So-Called Life," in that he's stubby, chubby, and um, gay, but that in itself is enormously comforting in a way. I think he's going to kick my ass. I know he's going to kick my ass. I'm very much looking forward to having it kicked, all things considered.

In the meantime, there's Paula's wedding to obsess on, and I'm deriving great pleasure from doing so. The houseboy walked into the living room the other day as we were discussing something, via phone, and stood there, eyebrows arched, for much of the conversation: "Is it possible for you to have a conversation with Paula without sounding like a 12-year-old boy?"

I looked at him, aghast. "Where's the fun in that?"

"Well, I mean the two of you are just so totally disgusting."

"Hey, you. You had your shot at being a 12-year-old boy. So shut up."

Aaron, Paula's intended, has proven to be much more patient. He drove along in bemused silence as Paula, Shari and I traded "up-the-butt" stories on the way back from Paula's folks' house on Sunday (e.g. - "my cousin's best friend's mother works in an ER, and they had to extract ______ [insert improbable object here] from someone's butt").

I think I'll be okay.

lisamcc at 3:46 p.m.

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