

Lots of stuff going on, chickens. Work continues to be the popcorn hull lodged in my back molar. For those of you who haven't been here since the beginning, I work in non-profit, where it's all about the Benjamins, although we're not allowed to come right out and say that. Add to that the things that need tending to in terms of Paula's impending nuptials, my trying to get the final issue of my long-abandoned zine, "Danger-Prone Daphne," out, my band, and this whole business of trying real hard not to get shitfaced every time something doesn't go my way, and something has to give. Unfortunately, sometimes that something is this futile little exercise here in Diaryland.

I don't know if abandoning this is the thing to do. But I also believe that if one is going to take on the responsibility of maintaining an online journal -- with the express intention of developing a readership -- then one should at least keep it somewhat up-to-date. Things being the way they are, I'm not sure if I can hold up my end of the bargain. I never wanted this to be a "woe-is-me, watch-as-I-flounder-with-this-addiction-problem" kind of thing. I fear that as my "recovery process" -- as much as I despise that term and all the touchy-feely bullshit it conjures -- continues to be my main focus, my writing here suffers as a result. I don't find that my whining about being an addict is particularly interesting; I sure as shit wouldn't want to log in here every day and read such dreck.

Just bear with me for a little bit.


lisamcc at 11:46 a.m.

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