

Wow. So, I'm pretty overwhelmed by all the positive email and guestbook entries. Y'all rock, chickens.

The gist of it all is this: I got mighty drunk last night. No, it's not the end of the world. Yes, I am probably beating myself up too much about it. It's just embarrassing, taking that step outside of yourself and seeing what a blathering, drunken asshole you're being.

It's just real, real frustrating; I was getting to the point where I was actually starting to, um, like myself a little bit. I was starting to actually enjoy my own company, without drowning it in a whole lot of whiskey to make it more palatable. And then a series of things just knocked me on my ass, starting with my grandmother's death and finally culminating with having to put Whitey B. to sleep.

This is not an excuse. Plenty of people have all sorts of unpleasant things happen to them on a regular basis, and do not go on boozey benders as a means of dealing with it all.

But I just wanted to thank everyone for being so nice to me today. I didn't expect or deserve the outpouring I got, and it's made me a little more hopeful tonight.

lisamcc at 6:56 p.m.

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