

Yesterday Paula, Lexi, and I were involved in a right sporting game of email "haiku tag" (being that we're such literary broads and all) when Paula scored a major coup by managing to use the word "douchebag" in one of her haikus.

Never underestimate the power of "douchebag."

It really is one of my favorite words. So versatile. Never ceases to amuse. Used in a derogatory manner, it's unsurpassed; when you refer to someone as a "douchebag," there's no question how you really feel about him or her.

Personally, I like to use the abbreviated form, like, "What a friggin' douche," or "Get the fuck out of my way, ya buncha douches." It just feels good to say it; such an expulsive word, "douche."

I'd never really considered its possibilities as a term of endearment, until I started regularly hanging around with Shari and Julie, who refer to each other as "douchie" ("Hey, douchie, nice boots!" "Thanks, douchie, I got �em ON SALE!"). I find these exchanges utterly charming, myself.

lisamcc at 4:05 p.m.

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