
Petty, Shallow and Vindictive.

An ex-boyfriend once accused me of being "petty, shallow and vindictive." Oh, my!

With that in mind, I temporarily suspend all tales of my poor, sick, beleaguered old kitty to give you some petty, shallow and vindictive Random Thoughts.

Okay, so who watched that Christly embarrassing Michael Jackson "tribute" concert the other night?

Michael Jackson is just wrong, okay? I admit that I went through my brief phase in �83 or so, and to this day I still maintain that "Off The Wall" is one of the best, ballsy-est albums ever, but man - he just needs to go away. Become a producer, or something. Retreat into some studio with his chimps and his Disney paraphernalia and his sunblock. Whatever.

He's sitting there, all ghastly and translucent, flanked on either side by Elizabeth Taylor and MacCauley Culkin, blowing kisses and being all "humble" as all of these artists sidle up to his box, shamelessly kissing his ass, when, I suspect, what they really wanted to do was throw peanuts at him. Hell, that's what I would've done.

Dear God, and then there's Whitney Houston. Somebody take that crack pipe away from her and give her a fucking sandwich. She was about as alluring as a swizzle stick wrapped in two inches of black tulle.

Oh, but shouldn't I pity poor Whitney, trapped as she is in the maelstrom of addiction? Fuck, no. Fame is wasted on the famous.

The word that comes to mind is "egregious." Too academic? Okay, then how about "lame-assed"?

To be fair, though, I thought that the Liza Minnelli impersonator they brought in was just fantastic.


lisamcc at 12:29 p.m.

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