
life goes on

Life goes on.

Monday night, I tried to compose an entry about my 16-month-old niece Miranda and her penchant for announcing herself, in near-perfect pitch, with the following trumpet-like theme: "Bah-ba-BAHHHH" It's the entrance theme for a superhero, and she's not even old enough to tell red from yellow, let alone save the planet.

Life goes on.

Today I walked up Massachusetts Avenue on my way to work, making a point to gaze at our own skyline, taking in the mirrored behemoth known as the Hancock Building, trying to imagine it not being there. I couldn't.

Life goes on.

A co-worker knew one of the Flight 11 attendants. As the days go on and as the "lists" become available to us, you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who is not affected by what has happened.

Life goes on.

The glow around what was once the WTC turns from red to orange to blue as the days change at night change in an instant. Try real hard not to look at it as a backdrop for the current anchorman.

Life goes on.

I get the most ridiculous, egregious email, with the precision and accuracy of Swiss clockwork. "It's an attack against the Big Bad Corporate Boogie Man!" "Hey, have you looked at Nostradamus lately?"

We're at war; spare me your armchair analysis. Platitudes solve nothing. Do me a favor and try to avoid picking a ribbon color; my lapel is full.

Life goes on.

How many times will I watch that second plane fly into the WTC, at every imaginable angle, before it becomes less horrifying?

Life goes on.

lisamcc at 11:27 p.m.

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