
Cold sores

just like a bee's ass!

In a cold, cold world you need your friends to keep you warm:

---Paula Kelley wrote:

Hey Lisa,

Are you planning on going to Lilli's tonight?



--- Lisa McColgan wrote:

Ugh. I think probably - not. I have the Queen Mother of cold sores just hangin' out on the dead center of my lower lip. I mean, it's this honking, pulsating, scabrous... thing...and it's making me feel quite unwholesome and unattractive.


--- Paula Kelley wrote:


But I know how awful scabrous cold sores are.


If you wanna go get drunk and forget about it, you call me!!!


--- Lisa McColgan wrote:

Oh, Paula, it's so disgusting. The problem is its location; I have a bad tendency to chew on my lower lip when I'm preoccupied (which is a more or less constant state with me, as you've probably noticed), so it scabs over and then it splits open and, oh God, there's BLOOD and then I have all these little wads of blood-spotted Kleenex in my wastebasket and so then I have to ditch the wastebasket under my desk because I don't want anyone to see the inevitable detritus of A) my scabrous, diseased lower lip, and B) my neurotic lip-chewing, even though anybody within a ten-yard radius SURELY has seen this disgusting growth and is mentally thinking, "Yuck. What's up with that nasty scrag in accounting, man?"

Help me.


--- Paula Kelley wrote:


I'm sure it's not as bad as you think...

(There's this) new over the counter cold sore stuff, I can't remember what it's called...Do you want me to (find out)?


--- Lisa McColgan wrote:

Hrmph. I've been putting that Carmex stuff on it for the last day or so (you know - the stuff they sell at the counter at CVS - comes in the little yellow and white pot and smells like a bee's ass?), but like I said, it's the CHEWING that's making it worse. I've been substituting fruit-flavored TUMS (the Business Office has an economy-sized bottle on the bookshelf), just to be able to chomp on something other than lipskin.


Gross. I can't believe we're talking about this.

lisamcc at 19:54:16

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